About Me

Luke O'Malley Headshot

I am a University of Michigan student studying Computer Science, interested in software and web development. Feel free to contact me with any inquiries.

 Email: lukeom@umich.edu

 LinkedIn: lukeo-malley

 GitHub: luke0malley


University of Michigan

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

B.S. in Computer Science


  • EECS 497: Human-Centered Software Design and Development
    Winter 2023

    Software design and development, idea incubation to product delivery, design strategies, and project management methodologies

  • EECS 485: Web Systems
    Winter 2023

    Modern web systems and technologies, front end and back end

  • EECS 388: Intro to Computer Security
    Winter 2023

    Cryptographic functions and protocols, threats and defenses for real-world systems, incident response, and computer forensics

  • EECS 376: Foundations of Computer Science
    Fall 2022

    Theory of computation, finite state machines, Turing machines, decidable and undecidable problems, polynomial time computability and paradigms of algorithm design, computational complexity, and cryptography

  • EECS 370: Intro to Computer Organization
    Fall 2022

    Computer architecture, assembly-language programs, performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, and input/output

  • EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms
    Winter 2022

    Lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, balanced trees and graphs, searching and sorting algorithms, recursive algorithms, basic graph algorithms, greedy algorithms and divide and conquer strategy

  • EECS 280: Programming and Intro Data Structures
    Fall 2021

    Algorithm development and effective programming, structured programming, scope, recursion, abstract data types, parameter passing methods, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records, and trees

  • EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics
    Winter 2021

    Propositional and predicate logic, proof methods, set theory, functions, sequences and summations, introduction to algorithms, growth of functions and asymptotic notation, mathematical induction, counting, pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, relations and their properties, closure of relations, partial orderings, and introduction to graph theory

  • EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts
    Fall 2020

    Introductory course to computer science and programming, basics of computing, problem-solving, and algorithmic thinking


  • luke0malley.github.io

    Personal website

     View on GitHub

  • Productivity Chrome Extension

    Extension for Google Chrome to help increase productivity by blocking distracting websites

     View on GitHub